This service is very unique among firms like Pinnacle Development Group. Upon the completion of our assessments, Get started today! interviews, and needs analysis PDG can develop a training class to meet your needs. Just consider a few of the training topics that we’ve developed tailored workshops for over the past years.
- Creating Vision & Casting Your Vision
- How to Lead Your Staff
- Meeting Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Team Building
- Communication Skills
- Professional Presence as a Leader
- Negotiation Skills
- Delegation Skills; Follow-up; Follow-through
- Problem Solving/Decision Making
- Trust Building
- Maximizing a Diversified Workforce
- Social Etiquette Skills for the Workplace
- Performance Management: For the Company or for Individuals
Business Development
- Strategic Planning
- The Balanced Scorecard for Organizational Management
- Market Penetration and Dominance
- Sales Skills for the Beginner through the Seasoned Veteran
- Sales Presentations: Management & Skills
- Customer Service Skills
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Leveraging the High Tech for Your Success
- How to Lead Safety
- Field Planning & Communications
- Crew Huddles & Project Planning
- Partnering Session for Project Success
- Crew Building
- Job Costing & Project Reviews
- Pre-Mid-Post Construction Techniques
- Effective Project Management
- Supervisory Skills
- Bring Quality to Every Project
Plant Operations
- Quality & Safety
- Leading Plant Employees
- External & Internal Customer Satisfaction
- Team Problem Solving
- Continuous Process Improvements
- Motivating Today’s New Work Ethic
- Cost Containment & Reduction
- Kaizen & 5-S
- Making of a Plant Foreman
- Successful Union Relations
As you can easily see, Pinnacle Development Group has a wide breadth of areas that we have effectively assisted companies across the world to improve. Each topic, based on your company’s needs, can be specially developed in a learning experience that your people will be convinced came from right inside your own firm.
The best part of the curriculum development is that you get the program to use over and over again! In fact, if you are interested, PDG can train your own corporate facilitators to take over the training of the workshops. We believe in the old principle that says, “Teach a man/woman to fish and you have fed them for a lifetime!”
Another wonderful service that Pinnacle Development Group can provide you is the “behind the scene” writing of company newsletters. One of the strengths of many large organizations is their ability to keep their workers in the know about company happenings. Many small to mid-size companies simply don’t always have the resources to do this.
Pinnacle Development Group can assist you in designing and writing content for your company newsletter, whether it is monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually.
Need a personnel handbook that outlines important company rules, emergency numbers, company policies, etc.? Allow PDG to assist you in creating this valuable tool for your workers.
Developing important training curriculum and inner-company documents is a skill that not all companies have on staff. You will be in experienced hands by allowing Pinnacle Development Group to be an extension of your HR and Administrative outreach.
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