Tag Archives: Construction

A Foreman’s Approach to Working with New Employees: Week 1

In “A Foreman’s Approach to Working with New Employees: Day 1,” the first of a four part series, I pointed out several efforts that a Foreman might make with a new employee on their first day of work.  From a sincere handshake, to introducing the new worker to their new teammates, to putting the new worker on some of the easier, yet important tasks, all the recommendations were done to allow both the new employee, and the Foreman, a chance to assess each other and to encourage a positive first day impression, for both individuals.

Though first impressions made on the first day of work are important, the remaining days of the first week are also “mission critical” to keeping the new employee engaged and interested in  the company.  The Foreman is the primary leader who has the most impact on this first week.  If a great first impression is made on Day 1, then the rest of the week must continue the positive and supportive atmosphere that was initiated.  If a poor first impression was made, and the new employee returns for Day 2, the Foreman has his work cut out to improve both the impression and the sincere interest in the worker to stay.

In this second article, we move to Day 2 – 5, transitioning the new worker in a methodical and encouraging trend toward better understanding the company, the crew, and his or her position.  Therefore, let’s continue our effort to strengthen the actions of a Foreman to make the first week the best first week possible for the new worker.

  1. Maintain Clear and Consistent Communication

Among the observations about many Millennial employees entering the job market, one of the highly desired need of this age group (i.e. approximately 18-34 years of age) is their need for communication.  This includes both being communicated to by others and to be allowed to communicate with others.  This doesn’t suggest that all younger workers want talk more than anything else, it does point to a need for understanding, acceptance, and direction.  Such things come as a result of communication.  The Foreman should feel free to engage the new employee throughout the day as opportunities arise.  From just passing by the new worker and saying, “How’s it going Jose?” to reminding the worker, “Hey Tommy, holding the lute this way will give you a better pull without straining your back!”  It’s the simple daily interactions that reinforce the openness for communication.

  1. Teach the “Why” Along with the “What & How”

Yet another bit of insight from some national studies done on younger workers points to the interesting fact that they want to know “Why” things are done in a particular way.  I’ve had Foremen complain to me about having workers who want to know “Why we have to do it this way,” or “Why we have to do it that way.”  My response is always the same, “You should be glad the employee is asking for the ‘Why’ because that us the door opening to actual learning.” 

This second point is huge in the development of any worker.  When one understands the “Why” behind a task or process, suddenly the mechanics of actually doing the task becomes clearer and justified.  Thus, the Foreman, if they will begin their teaching with first addressing the “Why” behind the task, will garner more understanding, sooner, and satisfy the question that will plague the new worker until they know the reason behind the movement. 

A final thought on teaching the “Why” is that this often provides the foundation for what is required by law or is performed to provide the best short-term or long-term safety, or it may just separate our company from another company.  Foremen should not get upset when a new worker is asking “Why,” but instead, be thankful that the worker is showing interest to better understand the importance of learning things the right way.  Foremen, don’t roll your eyes or dismiss any worker’s interest in knowing “Why” something must be done, this is part of most long-term learning development.

  1. Check-In Daily with the New Worker

The regular check-in will serve as a reminder that you care, that you are interested in the new worker’s acceptance to the crew, and that you are always available to answer questions.  How often the Foreman checks-in with the new worker is dependent on the work situation, but checking-in two or three times during the day is a good idea.  I would recommend always at the start of the day, once throughout the day, and then just before the crew is packing up for the day.  This provides the Foreman the chance to see how the new worker is doing first thing in the morning, do they look tired or do they have any questions before starting work.  There will probably be multiple interactions during the work day related to learning a task or technique, but the Foreman should make it a point to specifically ask the new worker how they are handling the day thus far and do they have any questions.  Finally, checking-in at the end of the work day allows the Foreman to follow-up on the days’ activities, maybe asking the new worker what they have learned during the day and to encourage them to get a good nights’ sleep and be ready to hit it again in the morning.

  1. Inquire About the New Worker’s Physical State

One thing easily overlooked by many Foremen is that people who have never experienced construction, especially field labor work, forget how demanding it is on the body and mind of a new worker.  If the new worker has been tasked with carrying a lot of tools, materials, etc., I guarantee you that he or she will have second thoughts about returning to work when they may find it challenging to just get out of bed in the morning from all the soreness in their back, arms, and hands.  And, for some new workers conscious about doing a good job for their new employer, learning and remembering all that has been taught can be almost overwhelming. 

The Foreman who goes out of his way to inquire about the new workers physical and mental state will probably show more sincerity and caring than by anything else they might do.  Let me share something that I’ve used many times with new laborers during their first week with the company.  Maybe it will serve you well.

“Hey Jackson, how you doing today?  Let me share something with you.  If you get up in the morning and find that you are stiff and sore, you come to work anyway.  That’s normal and I promise you we will help you work through those aching muscles and get you into construction shape.  Don’t quit, don’t even think about quitting, and in a few more days you will be getting along easier than you ever thought.  Just hang in there my man!”

  1. Encourage Other Crew Members to Assist in Learning Our New Worker

Though this article series is primarily about all that Foremen should do to work with a new worker, the Foreman alone can’t do it all when it comes to winning over a new worker to the company.  Engaging other Crew Members in reaching out to the new worker can help encourage the new worker that they are being accepted and that they can learn from the other workers.  Consider a few tips to getting Crew Members more involved with working with the new employee.

  • Ask, or assign, a different Crew Member to work with the new employee for each day of the week.
  • Send the new employee along with one of the Crew Members to get lunch for everyone one day.
  • If you have more than one truck hauling equipment, tools, etc., have the new employee ride along with one of the drivers.
  • If everyone normally sits together to take breaks, have the Crew Members tell their story about how they got into construction and maybe how they came to work for the company.

The tips are simple but you will be amazed how much impact that can have on a new worker, especially during that all important first week of work.

  1. Give the New Worker an End of the Day “Pop Quiz”

It is important that a new worker remembers what they are being taught.  Most Foremen will admit that most new worker’s actual work contribution is very small during the first week of work, but we should not be fooled into thinking that we should not initiate the training process.  Near the end of each day during the first week, the Foreman might ask the worker, “OK Jesse, tell me two or three things you learned today.”  Just a simple statement like this allows for a non-threatening way to ascertain what the worker has picked up on and maybe even how well the Foreman, or one of the other workers, did in teaching the new employee a task.

  1. Report to Your Senior Leader on the New Employee’s Progress Honestly and Objectively

Most senior leaders in a construction companies want to know, “How’s the new employee?  Are they going to make it?”  Too many times the response is negative.  The Foreman needs to be honest and accurate on their observations about the new worker but they should also be objective.  Foremen need to gauge their comments in light of the skill and experience level the worker was thought to be bringing to the company.  Therefore, consider a few statements that might assist senior leaders when assessing their new worker.

  • “She doesn’t have a clue yet but she is asking questions.”
  • “Jack is slow to learning but I think he wants to learn.”
  • “Anzio stays busy; I didn’t see him doing any standing around.”
  • “Well, the other guys are impressed with his attitude and interest in learning.”
  • “He is showing up to work but he’s not showing any interest in learning or helping the other guys.”
  • “The guy has a bad attitude; just stands around or wanders around when we ask him to get something.”
  • “Trish is a fast learner; think she’ll be OK with just more time and practice.”
  • “Man, the dude is always on his cell phone texting.”

For most new employees, it takes a week to just get grounded on where tools are kept, where to store their PPE items, and to become more familiar with the other workers.  But this first week is critical to the early development of the new worker, even if it is only getting their body in a little better shape and allowing their brain to get recalibrated to the pace and nature of working with their assigned crew.

Foreman can greatly impact the new worker in the first week of work if they will determine to engage the worker.  The foreman must adjust what they ask from the new worker based on what early signs they see of the worker’s current skills and knowledge level, always positioning the new worker to be in a safe situation.  Not merely assuming the new worker will be “worthless” during their first week of work can go a long way to stimulating the new worker to like the company, like what they are doing, and to see the long-term benefits to staying with the company.

In our next article, we look at actions Foremen should make during the new employee’s first thirty days on the job.

Here’s to making the first week of a new employee’s time with your company the best possible.

Brad Humphrey

The Contractor’s Best Friend ™

[AUDIO] Balancing the Family Business

In part 3 of our series, Brad and Quentin Kersh, a concrete construction professional out of Queensland, Australia, discuss how to balance work and family life while growing your business. Enjoy!

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=15124622″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” ]

A Foreman’s Approach to Working with New Employees: Day 1

We are definitely facing some employee challenges with our new incoming workforce.  Depending on the part of the country you work, we are seeing a continued influx of Hispanic workers, many who have an understanding of English but some who do not.  Of the rest of the mix of worker profiles, one thing is certain, few have construction skills or even a general familiarization with tools, equipment, etc.

In this short series of articles, I want to explore the many ways in which field leaders need to accommodate new workers, and how to gain their trust and interest.  We will look at how the leader makes a fast, but accurate, assessment of their new worker to ensure that their continued work is warranted.  Too many new workers are “written off” as having no skills or desire to work construction.  While this may be the case for some workers, writing them off too early may prevent giving them enough time to demonstrate their potential.  No doubt this is a challenging situation for leaders, but it is why we must be engaged early to determine what the potential a new worker may have.

Once a new employee is hired and placed on a crew, there is nothing more critical than how the Foreman handles the new worker on their first day.  The effort made, and the support provided, can send the new employee home with no intention of coming back to work the following day or reinforce the worker that they have made the best decision possible.

Day 1 Efforts

On the first day with the new employee, the Foreman should consider several things to make the employee more comfortable while also giving the Foreman a chance to begin the assessment process.

  1. Shake Hands & Welcome to the Crew

This first action immediately allows the Foreman to get a feel for the new employees’ confidence, strength, and enthusiasm.  With a firm handshake, the Foreman may be able to detect how confident the employee is, or by the strength of their grip, the Foreman might detect if the worker has indeed the physical strength to perform some of the tasks.  Finally, the handshake can signal a level of enthusiasm that the employee displays that is reinforced with their eye contact and response to the Foreman’s handshake. 

The Foreman should introduce the new employee to the rest of the crew, making sure to introduce each member by using their name.  While the new employee is not expected to memorize the names of the employees met, this effort does serve as an “ice breaker,” allowing the crew to feel more comfortable with the new face.

  1. Observe the Tools of the New Employee (Or Lack of Tools)

Notice the tools that the new employee has brought with them to work, if they brought any tools.  The tools brought can tell you a lot about what he or she has been doing recently.  If they are bringing a “Walgreen-Special” hammer to work, you know they have little to no construction knowledge.  If they bring no tools, then your judgement about them could question if they have any construction experience.  Before you finalize such judgements, let’s give the worker a little time to prove what they do know and what they are capable of doing.  

While the fact that a new worker might bring an older, more used work belt, and the tools that look as used, doesn’t guarantee that your new worker is a gem.  However, the tools are an indicator of construction familiarity.

Another quick point on tools.  Should a company provide personal tools, such as a hammer, tape measure, pencil, or even a tool belt for the laborer?  Good question.  Some contractors say absolutely not!  Other contractors say, “Let’s see how you do and maybe we will provide some new tools after you’ve proven yourself.”  Not sure whether there is only one approach to this effort.  The key certainly is that whatever path you follow, be consistent across the board with all new employees in the same situation.

  1. Match the New Employee with another Crew Member

For a successful first impression and a quick study of the new employee to commence, match up the new worker with one of your existing crew members, unless you desire to work with them on the first day personally.  New employees will more often be quiet, too shy to ask questions.  Matching the new employee with one of your existing workers will decompress some of the anxiousness of the new employee, allowing them to relax so they can focus more on what they see, hear, and learn. 

The benefit of a Crew Member matching up with the New Employee is that the Foreman, and the company, get some field assessment work done by a trusted-worker.  Over the course of a few days, the existing worker will be able to discern what sort of work habits exist within the new employee.  They should be able to describe the new employee’s attitude, their work strengths, their work attitudes, etc.

  1. Assign Easier but Needed Tasks

If the new employee comes to you with a five, ten, even fifteen or more years of experience, then perhaps you might be tempted to start them out on more complex work.  But, if you have a new employee with little to no construction experience, especially in your area of specialty, then get them introduced to some of the easier, but more fundamental tasks.  As much as you want that new employee to fill a huge need in the crew, they will only frustrate themselves and others if they are pressed too early on new tasks, risking either their next day “No Show,” or your crew’s anger.  Why not rethink the new employee’s first day and make it as simple or as easy as possible?  Plus, if they cannot learn, or struggle to perform even the simplest of tasks, how difficult will it be to push them to learning more complicated tasks and processes.

  1. Check Out the New Employee at “10 & 2”

That’s 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM!  With some early morning discussions and training on a simple but needed task, the new employee will be glad to have a visit by their Foreman to check-up on their current state, what they’ve learned, and their readiness for another task.  The afternoon check-in can be used to ask the new employee as to what they have learned on their first day.  Such a simple question can tell you loads on how they have embraced and internalized their work day. 

  1. Take the Time to Explain the “Why?” Behind Tasks

“Why?” is part of any good training.  It’s easy to teach a worker the “What,” or even the “How,” to do something.  But, explaining “Why we do it this way,” begins the process of education and how our company is different from others.  You will have to repeat the “Why” periodically but sharing it early, here, begins the process of letting the new employee know that there is a real and significant purpose to what they will be doing today, maybe this week, and for their career.

  1. Ask the New Worker What They Learned on Their First Day

Give the new worker time to prepare their message for when they leave the job site and return home.  Ask them directly not only how they thought their first day went, but what did they actually learn.  The new worker who is enthused and wants to work for your company will respond positively to this question.  The worker who sort of “hems and haws” in providing an answer may not be nearly so interested in working for your company.

  1. Tell the New Worker What they did Right & Well Before Leaving

Did you know that many workers have shared with me that they have never been told how they are doing at any time during their career?  Hard to believe, but not every construction company conducts periodic performance evaluations.  For our new employee, simply telling them how you observed their work effort can ignite a flame of enthusiasm in the employee.  Be sure to do this just before they leave for the night.  It will be a positive send off, one that they will transfer to those waiting for them at home.

OK, there’s probably a hundred or more efforts that we can make when we have a new employee joining our crew.  However, the eight recommendations above certainly put us on the right pathway to learning for the new employee, one that will hopefully prove beneficial for both the new employee and you.

With the number of workers looking to construction as a career choice dropping, contractors must pull out all of the stops to give a new worker every excuse possible to stay with their new contractor, learning more about the many benefits of construction, and to continue their learning immediately.

Here’s to making the very first day at work for a new employee the same day they determined that construction and your company was right for them!  Next time…actions needed to take during the first week of a new employee.

Brad Humphrey

The Contractor’s Best Friend ™