Tag Archives: pinnacle development group

[AUDIO] Market Research Chapter 3: Identifying Critical Performance Indicators for Your Market

Monitoring and understanding your company’s critical performance indicators will not only help any contractor understand their own work area, but will provide key insights into any market expansion undertakings as well.

Learn more in this podcast from Chapter 3 of Market Research 101!

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[AUDIO] “101” Market Research – The Basics That Your Company Can Perform

Market research is a broad term, and it can be incorporated into nearly every aspect of your business. There is, however, a fairly standard set of steps to any research undertaking, whether you are looking to pursue new projects, understand your customers, or improve your own work force.

Listen to Chapter 2 of Market Research 101 for the the basic steps your company can take to jumpstart your market research efforts!

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[AUDIO] Why Do Market Research?

Many of us in the construction field have never considered incorporating market research into our operations. There are a number of limiting factors, including time, money, and resources. You may be wondering, “Why would I want to spend money doing research? We’re in the construction business, not the research business.” The goal of this book is to change that line of thinking, and to help every contractor understand that by not doing any research, they are wasting time, money, and missing out on potential work opportunities.

This introduction is simply a snapshot of what market research can do for you and your company. Let’s dive in and get to work!

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