Tag Archives: coaching

[AUDIO] Re-igniting A Tired Foreman

Re-igniting the fire under your field leaders isn’t easy nor is it a one-time activity.  Consistency is important here as in anything of importance and this issue is very important.  Should your crew foremen lose their enthusiasm and love for construction you might seriously think about selling your company and doing something different. That’s how insanely important those field leaders are for us to be successful as a company!

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Re-Igniting a Tired Foreman ©

Over the past several months I’ve visited with a number of contractors about some of their field leaders, specifically their Crew Foremen.  While not every situation was exactly the same, a common theme involved the lack of motivation, focus, and consistency being exhibited by one or more of their crew foremen.

Based on a very informal and undocumented survey via my raising a few questions, here’s some of the causes that appeared to be present with several of these field leader’s lack of vitality to execute needed work.

  • “I’ve been doing the same ‘$#%@” for a long time, maybe I need a break.”
  • Several Foremen complained of new workers that fail to know the difference between a hammer and a Phillips Screwdriver.
  • “Most of these new workers don’t care what their work looks like at the end of the day.”
  • “I train these guys on something and then they don’t remember what I trained them to do.”
  • Another observation made by several foremen was that they felt as if the new worker just doesn’t care much about work in general. Sort of a “If I work, that’s OK; If I don’t work…that’s OK.”

Admittedly, my findings are not intended to be a scientific list of any major trends among our construction workers but there is a ring of truth for many contractors who have offered their opinions to me over the past few years.  But, how do we assist those critically important field leaders to not get so frustrated that they simply burn out?

I think there are two issues at work here that we need to address.  First, there is the very real issue that many leaders do face some level of “burn-out” in their career.  I’ve seen this range from the leader thinking they would rather return to their previous (lower) level of responsibility to the field leader considering leaving their company, even the industry change.

The other issue at play here is the growing frustration many in our industry are having with what looks like to be fewer numbers of employees entering the industry with any level of construction knowledge or experience, some without even any elementary mechanical sense.

In addressing our first issue, consider a few efforts that can help your Crew Foremen regain a bit of their “mojo” for being the leader they need to be.

  • Discretely and confidentially visit with any foreman when they are displaying some unusual behavior for them. If you notice the foreman avoiding you, increasing calls for tools or information that they could have easily obtained IF they had prepared properly, etc., go to the foreman and simply ask how they are doing.  Most of these leaders will often share with you some of their frustrations…just listen!
  • Consider giving all your foremen 1-2 days off periodically during heavy scheduled work. This can be almost impossible to do when you’re hot and heavy into a project but often just a quick breather can prevent that leader from going “over the bar” in mental frustration and exhaustion.
  • Visit your weary foreman personally on their job site, maybe even donning some work attire and work along with the crew for a few hours. This is actually a great positive reinforcement for your foreman to have you there in person.
  • Send your foreman a dinner voucher at some restaurant that the foreman, and his significant other, would not normally even think of visiting; something upscale from the normal pizza parlor or sports bar. Again, this is just a little token of your appreciation for his hard work in the trenches.
  • Engage your foreman earlier and during the organizational phase of his upcoming projects. One sure sign that a foreman is getting stressed is when he shortens his time preparing for projects or forgets the little things such as insuring his trucks and trailers have what they are supposed to have safely stored.  Giving your foreman a little extra attention here reassures him that he’s not in the battle all alone.
  • Look at other opportunities for your tired foreman to consider. Maybe another area of your company might be a good change of pace.  If that’s not possible, sit down with your foreman and brainstorm for ways to do what he is currently doing…different.  Maybe he’s gotten into some routines that are enslaving him to believe that there is no other way to prepare, organize, execute, follow-up, etc.
  • Get the foreman to look at quality or safety improvements for his and other crews. Maybe this little twist of focus might offer a new perspective to what he is doing and help your company at the same time.
  • Start including more appreciation and recognition at your weekly meetings with your foremen. These field leaders are often the brunt of all the bad news and rarely receive a lot of the positives from customers.  They are, admittedly, in a tough position being stuck between dealing with customers at the site, employees and all their issues, and of course, trying to satisfy their owner’s expectations for quality, safety, and productivity!

As tempting as it is for most contractors to want to kick a field leader in the pants to “pick it up,” it’s important that contractors discern whether a struggling foreman is just having a bad week or is there something a bit more invasive.  Watching a foreman for a week or two will often tell you that something more than just having a bad day is at play.

The second issue is even more challenging as we’re really addressing an industry wide issue.  Because I’ve written many articles over the years that addressed training and working with employees, let me summarize a few thoughts for construction leaders to recognize will be part of their future if they are to maintain a viable construction company that desires growth.

  1. You must screen applicants even more closely to detect who really has the skills and learning potential and who does not. This isn’t easy but a contractor must cease any form of “warm body hiring” practices.  You have to test, ask better questions, and spend more time interviewing potential workers.  Many contractors really shoot their own foot by just skimming the bare minimum of questions and testing because they need workers.
  2. You must “On-Board” new workers that fully baptize them into who you are as a contractor, what work processes exist, the values of the company, and the importance that the new employee will play in the company. Throw the new worker immediately on the crew without this and you simply give the worker no reason to stay with hopes of what they thought they were signing up to do.  Win the hired workers over to you and your company’s potential.
  3. Train…Train…Train! Come on, if you don’t train beginning even the first day of employment you increase the likelihood that the new worker will quit you in less than thirty days.  Pick 1-2 trainers, even crewmembers, who are responsible for teaching the new worker what they need to know to be safe and productive.  Do this early and consistent and you will find more motivated workers who will also re-invigorate your crew foremen.
  4. Plan to check in with new workers at least weekly for the first 90 days. This is meant for the owner and senior leaders.  By having some of the “top brass” follow-up with new workers, the crew foremen are actually motivated as they see their leaders being more engaged with who they hired to work under the foreman’s leadership.  This activity also keeps the senior leaders more tuned-in to who they hired and monitoring the training efforts employed.

Re-igniting the fire under your field leaders isn’t easy nor is it a one-time activity.  Consistency is important here as in anything of importance and this issue is very important.  Should your crew foremen lose their enthusiasm and love for construction you might seriously think about selling your company and doing something different. That’s how insanely important those field leaders are for us to be successful as a company!

Brad Humphrey

The Contractor’s Best Friend ™



START Faster and Smarter

I want to dedicate this article to a great concrete contractor and his many field Foremen and Supervisors up in Packer country.  In their desire to be better, they challenged me to raise my own efforts to create an easy to follow reminder for field leaders when beginning each new workday.  The bullet points presented below for each START activity is provided by these fine construction leaders.  Thanks guys for inspiring me to develop START, and may your efforts help other current and future construction leaders overcome their own challenges!

START Faster and SmarterOne expert in the construction industry has found that the least productive hour of the workday is the first hour.  In that first hour important decisions are often NOT made, there is failure to insure critical maintenance has been applied to equipment and tools, and field leaders, in a hurry to get going, fail to review critical project plans and documents.

Every contractor knows first hand the real action starts at the “front-lines,” where actual crews and leaders execute project plans.  Yet this is where we lose too much firepower, productivity, and precision after hard fought jobs have been estimated, won, and pre-planned.  Sure there are always surprises on projects, but the contractor who can prepare his or her crew leaders to consistently follow a sequence of preparation steps will empower their crew leader, and their crew members, to perform “No Bad Jobs!”

Ok, let’s consider a sequence, placed in an easy to remember order, which will raise your crew’s ability to hit their daily numbers.  Let’s jump START your workday! 

START is an acronym that you can teach your crews in fifteen minutes.  The secret isn’t the ease in which they learn START, it’s building it into a daily commitment for them to adapt and execute each new day.  Here we go…

Schedule Your Day

Sounds almost too simple but it’s sadly not completed every day, much less by the crew.  Sure, many contractors may have their crews meet in the “shop” each morning and the Supervisor may talk to the Foremen about their day’s efforts.  That’s good and needed.  Yet seldom does the actual Crew Foreman sit down and actually line out just what he intends to have his crew work on for the day, much less set any targets that need achieving. 

The Crew Foreman, hopefully working with a formal one or two week “look ahead,” should focus 15-20 minutes each morning working through his plans for that day specifically.  Enlisting his Lead Man or several members from his crew will bring even greater insights to the days needs and thus, improve performance.  This process allows the crew to leave the shop more confident about what they are doing, what they will need to complete their work, and how much work will need to be completed.  (Please read some of my previous articles about job site planning and use of a look ahead for more information.)

  • Look and Review the “Super” Schedule
  • Identify the “Times of Need” to Be On-site
  • Involve the Entire Crew/Team to Discuss That Day’s Plan
  • Crew Leader Prepare Their Decisions to Make That Day
  • Break the Day’s Plan into “4 Quarters” For Greater Attention & Faster Adjustment

Take Daily Inventory

This second action directs each Crew Leader to insure that their trucks, trailers, and workers have exactly what they need to complete their work.  Leaving the yard without every piece of equipment and tool secured and confirmed is a leading reason why workers fail to achieve needed production rates and targets.  Waiting for the company’s “hot truck” to bring something from the yard because the crew did not inventory the missing shovels, or oil cans for the equipment is simply a waste of time and drives profit margins south.

An inventory list should be created for work crews that list all of the equipment and tools, materials, safety equipment, etc., needed for each project.  For many contractors, this can a list that remains constant as their crews may perform the same type of work each day.  However, such consistency of work often breeds complacency among the crew members, each thinking someone else got the needed tool or component needed on the job.

There may other forms of needed inventory for field leaders to employ such as the requirements for a particular customer involving an inventory of what is needed to complete at the site, a list of contact information, and a list of what workers have been cleared to work on the project due to security requirements of the customer, i.e. Clearance documents needed to perform work on a military base. 

In short, any inventory list for any reason is too simple not to create.  Possessing an inventory list doesn’t guarantee your workers producing quality results but it sure makes it easier for them to achieve needed results by first insuring that they have the needed tools of their trade in their possession when leaving your company’s yard.

  • Use a Quality Audit Document that Lists Non-Negotiable Process to Follow
  • Implement a Daily Inventory of Trucks & Trailers AND Confirm Needed Items are Secured Before Leaving Yard
  • Push the “Star” Process: Assign Crew Members to Provide Extra Attention on Quality, Safety, Tool/Equipment Preventive Maintenance, etc.

Ask Questions Daily

In the rush to get going every morning there is usually little time to solicit questions.  Crew Leaders often feel the need to just get the crew out of the office and to the job site.  But more questions may need to be asked prior to leaving than after the crew has arrived at the job site.

Simple questions such as…

“Who is setting up the chalk lines today?”

“Where are we going to park the trucks today?”

“What area of the site are we going to begin working today?”

“Do we need to bring any extra forms or anchor bolts today?”

…all seem to be innocent enough but are too often asked later rather than earlier.  Crew Leaders need to be asking their workers and company senior leaders questions before start-up and their employees need to be free to ask questions each morning to insure that we’re all on the same page.  A work culture that appreciates asking questions, sometimes the most important question at the right time, is a culture that will perform tasks better and do more things right the first time.

  • All Supervisors Ask Daily Questions of Their Foremen to Insure All Bases are Covered
  • Make Daily Use of the “Process Book” of SOPs for Every Major Work Process Company Executes; Get Sign-off from Users
  • Lead “Process Book” Questions, Especially with New Employees Or Employees Not Performing Well
  • Circle Back to Your “ADHD” Workers to Insure They Understand

Review Documentation Daily

There seems to be more documentation today required for the simplest of projects than ever.  Big or small, your Crew Leaders are often the holders of copies of blue prints, CAD renderings, OSHA and DOT documents, Weekly “Look-ahead,” city or county permits, customer requirements and contact information, location and contact information for local material plants and suppliers, and Standard Operating Procedures or “SOPs,” to name a few. 

For the contractor performing larger sized projects with the crew operating out of a job site trailer, the need and reasoning is still the same.  Important project documentation needs to be identified in terms of what is to be reviewed and completed daily, weekly, or monthly.  Our Crew Leaders can simply not omit reviewing needed documentation. 

  • Identify “Needy” Foremen and Lead Them to Review Their Daily Documents
  • Inspect Training Plans for Employees Needing Extra Training & Support
  • Crew Leaders to Engage Other Reliable Crew Members to Assist in Reviewing Documentation for Inventory, Tracking Crew Hours, Quality Audits, Safety Inspections, etc.
  • Regularly Assess What Crew Foreman Needs What Accountability and Support for Greater Performance & To Build Foreman Mental Retention

Train Your Workers…Daily

If there is one action every Crew Leader must be fast to start it is to increase the effort to train and educate their workers.  At no other time have we observed so many employees joining the construction industry with so few skills for their trade.  Thus, it will be incumbent on the Crew Leader, supported by their Supervisors, to make every day a “class room” of learning. 

Suddenly every start, stop, and restart has a teachable moment.  Rather than take the job back from the new employee, Crew Leaders must take that extra one to five minutes to explain the “Why?” behind a particular technique while demonstrating the “How to.”  If there is one daily effort that more Crew Leaders will employ it will be that of training and educating their workers.

  • Crew Foremen to Be Highly Active to Train…Even More Active than Performing the Work Personally
  • Supervisors to Redirect Crew Foreman When a Wrong Step Has Been Taken; Crew Foreman Redirecting Their Crew Members When a Wrong Step Has Bee Made
  • Engage Recently Taught Employees to Train Another Worker…ASAP!
  • Slowly Add Little Pieces of Responsibility to Workers
  • Drive the Non-Negotiable Importance of Safety & Job-Site Cleaning Along with Technical Training
  • Refuse Mediocrity… NO BAD JOBS!

Like my Crew Leaders from Packer-land have begun to do, initiate your own frontal assault on making your project teams and field crews more productive.  Gone are the days that we just hope that by pure badgering of our workers things will begin to get better.  It takes too long to wait out that method and it also risks losing potentially long-term employees who will give up too soon before a more organized approach is implemented.

Look, to START faster and smarter takes exactly those items shared above.  Why wait for the performance to improve when you can START right now!

May you have a great START to productivity records this year!

[VIDEO] Overcoming Customer Objections

When thinking through how to overcome customer objections, its important to remember that objections are normal! No one wants to spend more money than they have to, or make investments in areas that they can’t personally see as being necessary. However, this can be overcome with planning and strategy. Today’s leading contractors are able to find customer “hot buttons” and cracks in their own business strategy to find ways to push back against customer objections without alienating key clients.

In just 2 minutes, learn five tools you can use to overcoming objections from customers!


REMEMBER: You can watch all of our 2 Minute Drill series at videos.pinnacledg.com, and you can download the Pinnacle Development Group App to watch your training videos on any iOS, Android, or Windows device.