Tag Archives: coaching

The Contractor’s Best Friend

Brought to you by ForConstructionPros.com and Caterpillar, TCBF: The Contractor’s Best Friend Podcast, is the ultimate “motivational and informational” podcast, perfect for your commute. Tailored specifically for contractors on-the-go, you’ll learn essential tips and tricks needed to develop your business and increase your ROI.

Well-known author, construction veteran, and coach, Brad Humphrey, conducts each 15-minute episode in a quick recap highlighting only the most fundamental points.

Brad dives into topics including:

  • Drones optimizing jobsite management
  • How technology retains employees
  • Creating plans for the future of your business and curbing competition
  • Business planning decisions – leveraging new/used/rental equipment to increase ROI
  • New developments in safety and how keeping safety a priority benefits your company

Follow on SoundCloud: @user-377253479

Subscribe on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-c…d1406479825?mt=2
Listen on Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=205707&refid=stpr
Leave a review: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-c…d1406479825?mt=2



You can also start subscribing to the Contractor’s Best Friend, now available to you and your organization as a weekly E-Newsletter written by Brad Humphrey. The Contractor's Best FriendWorking in partnership with AC Business Media.  Begin getting weekly insights on:

  • Being a better leader
  • The role of the supervisor
  • Improving your decision making and strategic thinking as an owner
  • Becoming a more effective decision maker, , team builder, and problem solver
  • Improving your skills sales professional
  • And more!

For more information or to view a sample visit ForConstructionPros.com, and let Brad’s writing efforts further support your educational objectives for you and your organization.

Unique Learning Deliveries

Pinnacle Development Group is constantly looking for new learning deliveries and training opportunities. In some of the Boot Camps Unique Learning Deliveryprevious pages of this site, we have introduced you to several “deliveries” of development, such as:

  • Traditional Training Workshops
  • Strategic/Topic Based Retreats
  • “Boot Camps” for Leaders & Sales
  • Professional Coaching via In-Person or Skype

However, as time pressures and schedules continue to constrict many leaders from spending an abundance amount of time away from executing their roles and responsibilities, PDG has yet created additional and unique learning deliveries.

Additional Deliveries


This highly sought out learning experience combines several great features. First of all, many organizations recognize that keeping their development process in forward motion, having their leaders collectively read a business book can provide some value. However, in most cases this effort often runs out of steam. IN COMES PDG!

Pinnacle Development Group can work with you to select a great book to read that is full of good learning tips. PDG then provides a monthly “chapter review” that highlights what those reading the chapter should have understood about the chapter’s content, perhaps what the author was wanting their readers to understand.

Additionally, PDG provides 3-5 leading questions for the reader to address. Here’s where it can be a great learning tool. A Senior Leader in your organization can facilitate the discussion on the assigned book chapter making use of the leading questions provided by PDG.

OR… PDG can actually conduct the Chapter Review, either on-site at your organization or electronically through Skype or another video medium.

Don’t overlook this great learning tool. There are a host of excellent books on the commercial market, many of them easy to read in terms of length of chapters and content that is chalk-filled with more learning ideas.


Similar to the PDG’s Book/Chapter-n-Review, a business audio file of choices if selected by your organization and PDG can provide the same effort to provide greater understanding to what the spoken message intended.

Many of the workshops that Brad Humphrey has conducted over the past years have been placed on MP3 or Podcast format. For topics that may be helpful to you and your organization, go to our bookstore and select your next learning experience!


PDG continues to recognize the need for learning to take place in just about every time period but “8-5.” Throughout the year, PDG will make learning available on-line in the evenings and on the weekends. Purposely kept to 30-90 minute sessions, these learning forums may fit you and your team of leaders just perfect for that extra effort to grow your organization.

For more information about bringing a Unique Learning Delivery opportunity to your organization, e-mail us at brad@pinnacledg.com.

Professional Coaching w/ Brad Humphrey, The Contractor’s Best Friend (TM)

Pinnacle Development Group is more than prepared to provide professional coaching for professional coachingyour executives, senior leaders, mid-level leaders, and even front line supervisors. Whether coaching a Project Manager in a General Construction company or a Corporate “Junior Executive” preparing to ascend to running a division or company, PDG can provide you with the personal and confidential coach that can bring the very best out of your leaders.

For the leader who has never had a professional business coach, we recommend using Brad Humphrey’s Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© coaching book. This development tool has now been used for more than ten years and by hundreds of coaches with thousands of “players”.

Because the response to Professional Image has been so great, a sequel to continue the development of a professional has now been completed and is called, Championship Leading©. This coaching resource was developed for the seasoned leader who can still raise their leadership, who still seeks the challenge to be better in their skills and effectiveness as a leader. It is also ideal for the leader who has already been through the Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© and is looking for a continuation in their development.

The PDG Coaches are seasoned professionals who bring your leaders to greater heights of leading their staff. Coaching sessions can take place between a PDG Coach and your leader “live” and in person and now by use of an electronic medium such as Face-Time or Skype when needed.

Pre-Coaching Assessments

Both the Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© and Championship Leading© are built around the needs of the individual. Prior to actual coaching, a series of “pre-coaching” assessments are recommended, including:

  • Self-Assessment Inventory (PDG Document)
  • Feedback from Senior Leaders, Peers, Sub-Ordinates (PDG Document)
  • Communication Profile Assessment (Several Profiles Available)
  • Discussion of Past Employee Performance Reviews (Your Company Based Document)

Pinnacle Development Group has had tremendous success working with leaders in many stages of development, from those who needed a complete “make-over” to those just needing some “fine-tuning”.

The PDG coaching experience with most individuals can range from six to twelve sessions. Each session should be 2-4 hours in length and be about 30-60 days apart. The sessions are filled with good and applicable discussions, role-plays, and personal responsibility assessment. Leaving each coaching session, the individual is given “homework” that will require their continued focus, challenges to implement their new learned techniques, and maintaining a “log” to review with their coach at their next session.

Do you have one or more individuals who might greatly benefit from a focus on them and their leadership? Then let a PDG Professional Coach help you get your future leaders to the next level!

Contact for Professional Coaching

For more information about Professional Coaching or to hire The Contractor’s Best Friend (TM), Brad Humphrey, email us at brad@pinnacledg.com.