Tag Archives: professional

Professional Coaching w/ Brad Humphrey, The Contractor’s Best Friend (TM)

Pinnacle Development Group is more than prepared to provide professional coaching for professional coachingyour executives, senior leaders, mid-level leaders, and even front line supervisors. Whether coaching a Project Manager in a General Construction company or a Corporate “Junior Executive” preparing to ascend to running a division or company, PDG can provide you with the personal and confidential coach that can bring the very best out of your leaders.

For the leader who has never had a professional business coach, we recommend using Brad Humphrey’s Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© coaching book. This development tool has now been used for more than ten years and by hundreds of coaches with thousands of “players”.

Because the response to Professional Image has been so great, a sequel to continue the development of a professional has now been completed and is called, Championship Leading©. This coaching resource was developed for the seasoned leader who can still raise their leadership, who still seeks the challenge to be better in their skills and effectiveness as a leader. It is also ideal for the leader who has already been through the Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© and is looking for a continuation in their development.

The PDG Coaches are seasoned professionals who bring your leaders to greater heights of leading their staff. Coaching sessions can take place between a PDG Coach and your leader “live” and in person and now by use of an electronic medium such as Face-Time or Skype when needed.

Pre-Coaching Assessments

Both the Professional Image: The Making of a Leader© and Championship Leading© are built around the needs of the individual. Prior to actual coaching, a series of “pre-coaching” assessments are recommended, including:

  • Self-Assessment Inventory (PDG Document)
  • Feedback from Senior Leaders, Peers, Sub-Ordinates (PDG Document)
  • Communication Profile Assessment (Several Profiles Available)
  • Discussion of Past Employee Performance Reviews (Your Company Based Document)

Pinnacle Development Group has had tremendous success working with leaders in many stages of development, from those who needed a complete “make-over” to those just needing some “fine-tuning”.

The PDG coaching experience with most individuals can range from six to twelve sessions. Each session should be 2-4 hours in length and be about 30-60 days apart. The sessions are filled with good and applicable discussions, role-plays, and personal responsibility assessment. Leaving each coaching session, the individual is given “homework” that will require their continued focus, challenges to implement their new learned techniques, and maintaining a “log” to review with their coach at their next session.

Do you have one or more individuals who might greatly benefit from a focus on them and their leadership? Then let a PDG Professional Coach help you get your future leaders to the next level!

Contact for Professional Coaching

For more information about Professional Coaching or to hire The Contractor’s Best Friend (TM), Brad Humphrey, email us at brad@pinnacledg.com.